IQ & Aptitude Test App. Compete with others in Online IQ Quiz & boost your IQ.
Diese einzigartige Anwendung für IQ Test Preparation enthält Hunderte von sorgfältig ausgewählten Fragen zu zehn verschiedenen Themenbereichen, um eine komplette Reichweite für IQ Test Preparation sowie umfassende Erklärungen und Tipps und Tricks zur Lösung schwieriger Probleme und zur Verbesserung des seitlichen Denkens abzudecken. “ IQ Test Preparation ” also provides an opportunity to test your level of preparation in the form of 5, 10 and 20 minutes test. This is an updated version which includes lot of additional features along with already available distinctive features. Unsere Anwendung deckt viele IQ- und Eignung Kategorien wie visuelle Muster, Anzahl und alphabetische Sequenz, mentale Arithmetik, logisches Denken, verbale Eignung, Beziehungsprobleme, Zeit- und Datumsprobleme, Altersprobleme, Geschwindigkeit, Zeit und Entfernung und Arbeit, Gewinn- und Verlustprobleme ab. Perfect for school, college and university entrance test and also for general use to improve mental health.
Now in latest version you can participate in daily, weekly & monthly IQ contests & competitions. In those IQ competitions people from all over the world participate and at the end of the test period, positions are announced. Now you can also participate in realtime IQ Tests by challenging other online members.
Features of the IQ Test Preparation 2020 App:
1. Simple and Easy to use User Interface
2. Detailed Explanation for each question to clear your doubts
3. Answers are displayed at the end of each test to help you improve
4. Practice before attempting a test with our Free Practice Test with detailed solutions
5. Advanced Tests that guarantee your IQ building
6. Join Daily, Weekly and Monthly Challenges and compete with others around the world
7. Solve the daily challenges to give your logical reasoning skills a boost
8. See your rankings and motivate yourself to improve your IQ level
9. App is free to use. Test your IQ Level for Free with this IQ Test Preparation 2020 App
Topics Covered in IQ Test Preparation 2020 App:
1. Visual Patterns
2. Number Patterns
3. Alphabetical Sequence
4. Mental Arithmetic (Mental Maths)
5. Date and Time Questions
6. Time Speed and Distance
7. Verbal Aptitude
8. Logical Reasoning
9. Blood Relation Problems
10. Age Problems
11. Profit and Loss
It's Free! So Why not?
The IQ Test Questions Provide you the latest updated questions important for job exams and other career entrance tests.
If you have any queries, issues, or feedback drop us a message and we would look forward to you.
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